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  • 2019年12月25日
  • 技术专栏
  • 胃肠道微生物群和动物疾病模型的再现性已关闭评论


动物模型研究的变异源很多,从试剂制造商和实验动物品系选择到方案的细微变化,都可能影响疾病表型并影响研究结果。随着16S rRNA测序的兴起,实验动物的胃肠道微生物已牵涉到疾病模型的表型变异中。例如,在一系列复杂的实验中,Ivanov和Wu。结果表明,特定的微生物群(特别是分段的丝状细菌或SFB)可以诱导小鼠小肠中Th17细胞的分化(2,3),并且SFB可以驱动自身免疫性关节炎模型(4)。其他炎症性疾病的临床前研究表明,微生物群可调节SLE(5,6),过敏性哮喘(7,8),胃肠道和代谢紊乱(9,10)和Sjögren综合征(11)的实验动物模型中的疾病表型。


鉴于这种影响,许多研究人员认为肠道微生物群组成的变异导致动物模型研究的重现性低(12-14)。即使使用与先前发表的研究相同品系的小鼠来最小化微生物变异也是有问题的,因为供应商对微生物群组成的影响非常明显(8、15-17)。同一家动物供应商内部设施之间的差异也可以证明对微生物谱也有重大影响(15、18、19)。饮食变化(13,14),笼子,被褥和食物/水的处理和类型,食物/水(17,20),屏障的进入(17)以及近期运输带来的压力(13,14, 21)关于微生物群的组成。









在进入您的设施之前和研究期间,监控实验动物的微生物暴露可能是了解疾病表型变化的有用工具。如果无法进行16S rRNA测序,则可以使用Chondrex,Inc.的小鼠抗细菌抗体检测试剂盒和细菌毒素检测试剂盒来评估对常见共生细菌及其毒素的免疫反应。



  1. F. Collins, L. Tabak, Policy: NIH plans to enhance reproducibility. Nature 505, 612-613 (2014).
  2. I. Ivanov et al., Specific microbiota direct the differentiation of IL-17 producing T-helper cells in the mucosa of the small intestine. 4, 334-349 (2008).
  3. I. Ivanov et al., Induction of intestinal Th17 cells by segmented filamentous bacteria. Cell 139, 485-498 (2010).
  4. H.-J. Wu et al., Gut-Residing Segmented Filamentous Bacteria Drive Autoimmune Arthritis via T Helper 17 Cells. Immunity 32, 815-827 (2010).
  5. Y. Ma et al., Gut microbiota promote the inflammatory response in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Molecular Medicine 25, (2019).
  6. S.-C. Choi, M. Mohmadzadeh, L. Morel, Gut dysbiosis contributes to autoimmune pathogenesis in lupus-prone mice. J Immunol 198, 58.52 (2017).
  7. M. Sokolowska, R. Frei, N. Lunjani, C. Akdis, L. O’Mahony, Microbiome and asthma. Asthma Res Pract 4, (2018).
  8. H.-Y. S. Chang, W. Mitzner, J. Watson, Variation in the airway responsiveness of male C57BL/6 mice from 5 vendors. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 51, 401-406 (2012).
  9. C. Chang, H. Lin, Dysbiosis in gastrointestinal disorders. Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology 30, 3-15 (2016).
  10. K. Brown, D. DeCoffe, E. Molcan, D. Gibson, Diet-induced dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiota and the effects on immunity and disease. Nutrients 4, 1095-1119 (2012).
  11. C. de Pavia et al., Altered mucosal microbiome diversity in disease severity in Sjögren syndrome. Scientific Reports 6, 23561 (2016).
  12. M.-L. Alegre, Mouse microbiomes: overlooked culprits of experimental variability. Genome Biology 20, 108 (2019).
  13. P. Turner, The role of gut microbiota on animal model reproducibility. Animal Model Exp Med 1, 109-115 (2018).
  14. C. Franklin, A. Ericsson, Microbiota and reproducibility of rodent models. Lab Anim (NY) 46, 114-122 (2017).
  15. K. Parker, S. Albeke, J. Gigley, A. Goldstein, N. Ward, Microbiome composition in both wild-type and disease model mice is heavily influenced by mouse facility. Front Microbiol 9, 1598 (2018).
  16. A. Ericsson et al., Effects of vendor and genetic background on the composition of the fecal microbiota of inbred mice. PLoS ONE 10, (2015).
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  18. P. Rausch et al., Analysis of factors contributing to variation in the C57BL/6 fecal microbiota across german animal facilities. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 306, 343-355 (2016).
  19. G. Rogers et al., Functional divergence in the gastrointestinal microbiota in physically-separated genetically identical mice. Scientific Reports 4, 5437 (2014).
  20. A. Ericsson et al., The influence of caging, bedding, and diet on the composition of the microbiota in different regions of the mouse gut. Scientific Reports 8, 4065 (2018).
  21. D. Montonye et al., Acclimation and institutionalization of the mouse microbiota folloowing transportation. Front Microbiol 9, 1085 (2018).
  22. B. Voelkl, L. Vogt, E. Sena, H. Würbel, Reproducibility of preclinical animal research improves with heterogeneity of study samples. PLoS Biol 16, e2003693 (2018).
