FD Rapid GolgiStain™ Kit (large) FD快速高尔基染色试剂盒(大)


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Golgi-Cox impregnation1, 2has been one of the most effective techniques for studying both the normal and abnormal morphology of neurons as well as glia. Using the Golgi technique, subtle morphological alterations in neuronal dendrites and dendritic spines have been discovered in the brains of animals treated with drugs as well as in the postmortem brains of patients with neurological diseases3, 4. However, the unreliability and the time-consuming process of Golgi staining have been major obstacles to the widespread application of this technique.

FD Rapid GolgiStain™ Kit is designed based on the principle of the methods described by Ramón- Moliner2, Glaser and Van der Loos5. This kit has not only dramatically improved and simplified the Golgi-Cox technique but has also proven to be extremely reliable and sensitive for demonstrating morphological details of neurons and glia, especially dendritic spines. The FD Rapid GolgiStain™ Kit has been tested extensively and widely usedon the brains from several species of animals as well as on the specimens of postmortem human brains.

Kit contents:

Store at room temperature

Solution A 250 ml
Solution B 250 ml
Solution C 250 ml x 2
Solution D 250 ml
Solution E 250 ml
Glass Specimen Retriever 2
Natural hair paintbrush 2
Dropping bottle 1
User Manual1

Materials required but not included:

  • Double distilled or deionized water.
  • Plastic or glass tubes or vials.
  • Histological supplies and equipment, including gelatin-coated microscope slides, coverslips, staining jars, ethanol, xylene or xylene substitutes, resinous mounting medium (e.g. Permount®), and a light microscope.


  1. Corsi P. (1987) Camillo Golgi’s morphological approach to neuroanatomy. In Masland RL, Portera-Sanchez A and Toffano G (eds.), Neuroplasticity: a new therapeutic tool in the CNS pathology, pp 1-7. Berlin: Springer.
  2. Ramón-Moliner E. (1970) The Golgi-Cox technique. In Nauta WJH and Ebbesson SOE (eds.), Contemporary Methods in Neuroanatomy. pp 32-55, New York: Springer.
  3. Graveland GA, Williams RS, and DiFiglia M. (1985) Evidence for degenerative and regenerative changes in neostriatal spiny neurons in Huntington’s disease. Science. 227:770-3.
  4. Robinson TE, and Kolb B. (1997) Persistent structural modification in nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex neurons produced by previous experience with amphetamine. J. Neurosci. 17:8491-7.
  5. Glaser ME, and Van der Loos H. (1981) Analysis of thick brain sections by obverse-reverse computer microscopy: application of a new, high clarity Golgi-Nissl stain. J. Neurosci. Meth. 4:117-25.



FD快速GolgiStain™试剂盒是基于由Ramón-Moliner描述的方法的原理设计2,格拉塞和van der路斯5。该试剂盒不仅极大地改进和简化了Golgi-Cox技术,而且还被证明对证明神经元和神经胶质特别是树突棘的形态学细节非常可靠和敏感。FD Rapid GolgiStain™试剂盒已经在多种动物的大脑以及死后人类大脑的样本上进行了广泛测试。



溶液A 250毫升
溶液B 250毫升
溶液C 250毫升x 2
溶液D 250毫升
溶液E 250毫升


  • 双重蒸馏水或去离子水。
  • 塑料或玻璃管或小瓶。
  • 组织学用品和设备,包括涂明胶的显微镜载玻片,盖玻片,染色罐,乙醇,二甲苯或二甲苯替代品,树脂固定介质(例如Permount®)和光学显微镜。

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  1. Corsi P.(1987)Camillo Golgi的神经解剖学形态学方法。在Masland RL,Portera-Sanchez A和Toffano G(编辑)中,《神经可塑性:中枢神经系统病理学的新治疗工具》,第1-7页。柏林:施普林格。
  2. Ramón-MolinerE.(1970)高尔基-考克斯技术。在Nauta WJH和Ebbesson SOE(编辑)中,《神经解剖学的当代方法》。pp 32-55,纽约:施普林格。
  3. Graveland GA,Williams RS和DiFiglia M.(1985)在亨廷顿舞蹈病中,新纹状体刺神经元的变性和再生变化的证据。科学。227:770-3。
  4. Robinson TE和Kolb B.(1997)苯丙胺以前的经验所产生的伏伏核和前额叶皮层神经元的持久性结构修饰。J.神经科学。17:8491-7。
  5. Glaser ME和Van der Loos H.(1981)通过正面-反面计算机显微镜对厚厚的大脑切片进行分析:一种新型的高清晰度Golgi-Nissl染色剂的应用。J.神经科学。方法 4:117-25。


重量 50 g





50 mouse brains

